by Rick Noriega The summer solstice is on June 20th at 4:51 PM. EDT in the northern hemisphere. It has the longest amount of daylight and marks the beginning of the summer season. In the spring time we planted the seeds for what we want to manifest in this journey and new beginnings. We lay down the groundwork and get everything ready to start or in some cases to continue on our journey. However, the summer time is when we must nurture what we have planted and weed out what doesn’t add value in our life anymore. The Summer Solstice also reminds us to turn inward and find the nourishment needed to grow and evolve. If the Spring represents action, then the Summer represents patience. We must develop trust and confidence in ourselves that what we set in motion previously is correct even if we go through some troubled times. Our course is set at this point, we just need to nurture it and find purpose within its process. Summer is a time for going outside and to raise our vibration. By going out into nature we not only raise our vibration but also the vibration of everyone and everything on the planet. By doing this we will start to heal as a collective and bring more peace and love to be shared the whole world over. It only takes 10-15 minutes a day to reap the benefits of everything that the sun has to offer and to celebrate the nourishing light of the Sun and the light within each of us. The bright half of the year is the time to commune with physical nature, the plant and animal spirits. Summer reminds us that there is hope in the world, that the light within can spread to the far reaches of the globe and inspire others. We can nurture others, just as the Sun nurtures us. Summer becomes a time to work on ourselves and our ability to be the light and find meaning in our journey, even when it seems uncertain. The Summer solstice is also an energetically-charged day and an important one to set intentions. Direct your intentions on the themes of this phase, which are patience, nourishment and trust; and create powerful “I am” statements. Expressing gratitude is a good thing to do any day, but especially on a Solstice. Write gratitude statements for everything that you already possess and everything that you want. Part of the manifestation process is to actually feel gratitude for what we want before we even have it. By doing this we are telling the universe we trust that our wishes will be fulfilled and the very act will call in the energy we desire. Practice these rituals on the morning of the Summer Solstice and feel yourself nourishing yourself and carry this feeling throughout the summer. However you choose to celebrate this day, be sure to spend some time feeling the Sun’s rays on your face and standing fully in the light as you learn to stand fully in the light of your own existence. Here are some things you can do to mark the solstice this year:
Summer is the time to develop faith in our life, squash the darkness with light, and trust that just like the Sun, we will rise each day no matter what life brings us. Rick Noriega, a.k.a. Hawkeye, is an intuitive reader and shamanic practitioner. Learn more at:
by Elizabeth Chatfield Vernier, CHt Neurodivergent folks have a lot on their plates in this world that was built for the neuro-majority. Chances are, either you or someone you know is neurodivergent, a group that likely comprises 15-20% of the world’s population. Labels such as dyslexia, ADHD, autism, and others are part of the umbrella of neurodivergence. Neurodivergent people have brains that think differently than neurotypical people (the majority). They have many different strengths and challenges that are different than for those with more typical brains. There is great value in supporting and celebrating neurodiversity in society, like there is for other types of diversity. People with different ways of thinking can open others’ eyes to new ideas and ways of being, and solve problems using novel perspectives. The question is, how do we not only spread awareness of neurodiversity, but spread acceptance? Valuing the strengths of the neurodivergent population requires us all to be more flexible in our expectations of neurodivergent people and seek ways to accommodate the unique needs of neurodivergent folks in our families, social circles, schools, workplaces, and public spaces. Universal design is a modern concept that involves designing public spaces that are accessible for all people – with different abilities, needs, and neurotypes. You probably won’t meet a neurodivergent person without anxiety due to being othered and without needed accommodations so much of their lives. Neurotypical brains are misunderstood in part due to a long history of behavioral approaches with the aim of forcing neurodivergent people to seem more typical to others around them, and the majority of research being centered only on white male cis-gender children. With the modern neurodiversity movement, society is moving toward an era of greater understanding and acceptance. Research on neurodiversity is opening up to other genders, races, ages, sexual orientations, and people of other backgrounds. Current research shows that neurodivergent brains do not prune neural pathways (remove unused connections in the brain) the way the typical brain does. Therefore they have the ability to think about countless things at once, get into powerful flow states (a.k.a. hyperfocus), and see details, connections, creative pathways, and solutions, that others don’t see. Contrary to historical beliefs, neurodivergent people tend to feel very deeply, both positive and negative emotions. Their nervous systems can be so sensitive that they have intense sensory experiences, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, their nervous systems can respond to sensory overwhelm with the protective mechanism known as freezing. Since their nervous systems are often amped up, learning how to feel neutral and calm can be a helpful goal for neurodivergent folks. One important way that many neurodivergent folks regulate their nervous systems is to fidget, or “stim”, meaning big or small movements such as rocking, swaying, bouncing a leg, pacing, etc. Movement also helps them to process information and integrate it so that it makes sense to them, and it can often be a joyous experience. Being neurodivergent myself, I believe that neurodivergent people can lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives when we all come to accept different ways of being and moving through the world—and especially when we support neurodivergent people in reaching a place of neutrality or even joy more of the time. How can you help? Advocate for universal design and accommodations where you see people who have unmet needs in various arenas of your life, and stay open to ways of communicating and living in the world that are different from what’s considered the norm. A supportive way to view neurodivergence is like it’s a different culture, where you allow yourself to get curious about neurodivergent culture’s values, ways of communicating, relating, working, and learning. Be aware that your level of openness influences others’ willingness to accept differences. Society as a whole can benefit greatly from opening minds to the creativity, innovation, and hyperfocus that neurodivergent folks bring to the table. Neurodivergent people could teach the neuro-majority a new appreciation for sensory delights if they were given the chance. And maybe you could even learn to find joy in small moments and unexpected places simply by spending quality time with someone who thinks differently than you. Elizabeth is a neurodiversity coach and hypnosis practitioner. She helps people untangle their minds and find the freedom and confidence to unmask safely. Learn more at by Dr. Acquilla FayeMaking a personal connection with yourself is about more than knowing who you are and what you want. It is about being able to recognize signs from your body that help you to live a healthier life. Connecting with yourself allows you to find interest in being with you to do things that are of interest to you. It means that you are never alone because you enjoy your own company. Can you imagine only being with you, not to do work or catch-up on anything; just being with you?
How often have you heard the words, “self-care”? It seems to be a trend that many are starting to follow, though in reality, it is more of a lifestyle. A lifestyle that increases mental agility. By making self-care a normal part of each day you are able to regulate your moods to have a balanced level of serotonin in your body. Serotonin is a chemical that is found in both the brain and intestines. You can remember this by thinking about how your mood influences your appetite. For example, have you noticed that when most people are feeling sad or depressed they typically want chocolate, ice cream or something sweet? Sugar cravings are a sign of having low serotonin. Serotonin is an important mood chemical that the body naturally produces. You want to be sure not to have low levels because it can lead to depression and anxiety. At the same time, too much serotonin can produce similar mood fluctuations and lead to physical symptoms such as shakes, shivers, and sweating. Here are three tips that will help you with increasing serotonin, to be happier while connecting with you in new ways.
For more information about how to increase your happiness through self care, be sure to visit and search the link Elevation. Sending you all hugs! Dr. Acquilla Faye [email protected] 336.926-2914 Sagewood Center has been a place for healing and community for over 9 years. Angela started Sagewood to support Reiki students and practitioners in the community to grow this wonderful healing modality and provide space for practice, learning and sharing. It evolved into a space for Archangelic Light classes and shares, Massage, Hypnotherapy and QHHT, Intuitive and Life Coaching, Yoga, Counseling, Shamanic practices, Ayurveda, Akashic Records, Sound Therapy and Crystal Healing and Pop-up Stores. It has been a sacred and peaceful place where learning and healing happens. On September 30th the center itself will be closing, but the mission to bring holistic wellness to the community will continue. Though a difficult decision, the space was sold, and another wellness company has taken it over: Anne Till Nutrition Group provides support to patients through nutrition and lifestyle therapies. This group has been practicing in Cary for many years and more recently in Raleigh, and they are excited now to expand their Raleigh practice to larger premises this fall. The Sagewood Practitioners will be practicing from new spaces, but we will remain a community and will continue to keep you informed of classes, workshops, and events. We will continue our newsletter to share our calendar, offer Words of Wisdom and Support, and highlight our practitioners and their services to help you find the therapies that you need. Here are some practitioner location updates: Stephanie Funaro will be opening a new wellness space: Soma Massage and Wellness Collective at 920 Paverstone Road, Suite B, in Raleigh. Some of us will be moving our practices here:
Practitioners working in other locations:
Women are so very talented. We can juggle multiple projects and simultaneously tend to the needs of many. It’s easy for us to fall out of balance, and when we do, we can end up feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. We lose connection with our inner compass and work harder versus smarter, feeding the cycle of imbalance. To nurture balance in our lives, we can harness the energy of the Mother Goddess to build the cornerstone of balance, self-care. Connecting with this archetype does not mean one has to be a physical mother. Her gifts are offered to everyone. Honoring your inner Mother Goddess is about nurturing and tending to your needs, goals and feeding the hungers of your soul with the energy you need to be well and thrive. To embody the tender loving care of your inner Mother energies, commit to a nourishing daily practice to care for your heart and soul before you serve others. Each morning, refrain from picking up your phone to check messages or to read the news. Instead, choose to go inside to connect with your own inner wisdom to guide your daily activities and attitudes. Nourish yourself with a cup of tea, walk outside, read, or write. Do whatever it is that helps you to slow down, connect with yourself and feed the deepest desires of your soul. Start small, with an amount of time that works for you. As you consistently invest in this maternal, loving time to care for yourself, you will regain and maintain your balance. Your daily energy will increase, your health will improve, and you will make wiser decisions about how you manage your time and energy. Open your heart to yourself and receive the nurturing care of your inner Mother. Dianne will be offering several upcoming workshops to help you access this supportive and balancing energy:
Saturday, October 8, 2-5pm Sisters Under the Shawl Women’s Circle #1. Theme: The Triple Goddess. Celebrate your ancestors and significant women in your life through the creation of a Goddess Altar. Acknowledge strengths you gained in your journeys as a Maiden, Mother and Crone. Participate in ceremony and create prayer bundles with sisters to support your current goals and intentions. Sunday, October 30, 1-4pm Life as a Crone. Imagine the 2nd half of your life as you step into your true beauty and power. Saturday, December 10, 2-5pm Sisters Under the Shawl Women’s Circle #2. Theme: The Goddess GuanYin. Balanced Self-Care Teaching and Mesa Work. Learn more at:! As a person obsessed with learning “How we Heal,” I have read books, taken courses and learned many practices to support the body and mind to live Happy, Healthy and Well. I love knowing that I have tools to deal with the emotional and physical challenges in my life. I know the value of keeping my energy, moods, and nervous system in balance, yet I often get busy and forget to keep this at the top of my priorities list.
I recently took a basic mindfulness class with Meg Blinson, a Sagewood practitioner who wanted to share with us her program for the classes she will begin teaching in September. The first step is to work with the breath. Watch it, pay attention when your breathing becomes shallow, or when you are holding your breath. I was reminded that working with the breath is the #1 thing we can do to support our mental and physical health. I had learned this many times, but I may have let its simplicity trick me into forgetting its power. Committing to just 15 minutes a day can make a big difference. Over the 4 weeks I noticed a greater sense of peace, more joy, and less reactivity to stressful situations. There are many forms of breathwork to choose from, but here are 3 of my favorites: 4-7-8 Breathing (Dr. Andrew Weil) Many use this counting technique to manage stress and anxiety.
This technique activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation, and suppresses the opposite system (sympathetic nervous system) that is responsible for the stress response – “fight or flight” reaction. Box Breathing This is a powerful, yet simple, relaxation technique that can help to return breathing to its normal rhythm. This breathing exercise may help to clear the mind, relax the body, and improve focus.
Belly Breathing Practiced for 10 to 30 minutes a day can help soothe stress on all levels.
You are likely familiar with these and other practices but maybe you have been forgetting too. Setting a time every day helps, especially in the morning to start the day off with intention. These techniques offer physiological benefits, but equally as important they move the mind off of the stuff of life to the inner state, which can offer peace amidst any situation. We came into this earthly experience unconsciously agreeing to beliefs, values, daily practices, and habits that have served us to fit in and “survive” our surroundings as best we can. We are often unaware of these agreements and the effects they have on our lives. Thankfully, it is possible to make more conscious agreements that can help us THRIVE! The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, written by Don Miguel Ruiz, offers us the way. It is a tiny book with powerful abilities to transform your life by showing you just how readily available happiness is to you every day. The Basics: BE IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others, Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. DON’T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. DON’T MAKE ASSUMPTIONS Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST Your best is going to change from moment to moment. It will be different when you're healthy as opposed to when you're sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgement, self-abuse, and regret. The investment in studying and implementing these powerful practices can bring unimaginable benefits. The Four Agreements Book Study - Starting July Simply reading the book can be life-changing, but learning and discussing the principles with others can support deeper understanding and a greater ability to apply the knowledge consciously. Join us to take a deep dive into the four agreements over the next four months, focusing on one agreement per month. Consciously incorporate even just one of these agreements into your life and you will experience drastic changes Together we will learn not only from the pages of the book but the wisdom of the varied experiences and perspectives we all have. Creating a community where we are seen, loved, and supported to actively create our best most joyful lives! Hosted by: Rebecca Striffler, Reiki Master, and Holistic Life Coach
Please sign up at: Fee: Donations welcome • July 23rd 10am-12 pm — Intro / Be Impeccable with your word • Aug 27th 10am-12pm — Don’t take anything personally • Sept 24th 10am-12pm — Don’t make assumptions • Oct 22nd 10am-12pm — Always do your best Please consider purchasing the book from your local small bookstore or online at I regularly get asked about the difference between therapy & coaching. I have a few different ways of describing this. Having been a therapist in the UK, and now a certified coach in the US, this is my playful perspective. I hope it resonates with some. Keep reading to hear how Chicken Licken helps us understand the difference. My sensible answer, in a nutshell, is that therapy tends to focus on people’s experiences, whereas coaching focuses on the beliefs hanging around as a result of the experiences. My husband and I were having a conversation about this and, for some very random reason, we got onto talking about the children’s fable Chicken Licken (AKA Henny Penny or Chicken Little – originating in the 1800s and attributable to various different authors). In case you are not familiar with the tale, the premise is that while Chicken Licken is out for a stroll, she promptly gets hit on the head by a falling acorn and goes spiraling into anxiety, thinking the sky is falling in. She decides to go tell the King, and along the way meets some friends who, being unable to remain present, grounded and curious, engage in group anxiety and all believe the story that the sky is actually falling in – no judgment here.... They proceed, en masse, to visit the King. But before they can actually get to the King, they come across Foxy-Loxy and meet with a particularly gruesome ending. Foxes regularly receive bad press, unfairly in my opinion! Getting back to the point of the differences between therapy and coaching, Chicken Licken is the client. At this juncture, I invite you to humor me and engage your imagination. Chicken Licken comes to her session, distraught about the impending doom of the sky falling in... C.L.: “What am I going to do, the sky is falling in?” Therapist: “Tell me how it feels to have the sky falling in,” or “When have you felt the sky falling in before in your life?” Chicken Licken then spirals into how she has led a life of anxiety, and recounts, in great detail, every moment she has felt the sky fall in (obviously a metaphor). She feels quite hopeless about the future. Compare this to: C.L. “What am I going to do, the sky is falling in?” Coach “How true is it that the sky is falling in?” or “When have you successfully navigated your way through a time when you felt the sky was falling in?” Chicken Licken realizes the story she was telling herself wasn’t true and recounts a time when she was able to deal with such a feeling. As a therapist turned coach, I fully believe therapy is vital for us all at times, and I fully believe coaching can help clients get unstuck and re-frame the stories they tell themselves. Whilst this example may appear a tad whimsical, it highlights subtle differences in approaches. I love being a coach and will remain a coach. Lastly, there are many learnings to be taken from this tale; from my perspective, Chicken Licken and friends would have benefitted from staying grounded, present and curious about the story she was creating AND listening to her intuition about what Foxy-Loxy was telling her (Google the fable if you want the riveting details!). As to the friends, colluding with stories that aren’t necessarily true is not a good thing and can lead to an early demise... Laura is passionate about helping people get unstuck & out of their own way. She is a collaborative & heart-based life & leadership coach. As a previous therapist, and now coach-for-life, Laura brings deep insight, experience and appreciation for people with diverse challenges. If you are looking for a coach to help you shine in the world, then reach out for a free discovery call, to see how coaching with Laura could help you. You can contact Laura at 919-449-6491, [email protected], or on her website at When you hear the word 'Yoga', I'm sure you picture a class or a practice that people do on a Yoga mat. But truly, it's not just about putting your body into different shapes. Though, that's what we usually think of when we think about Yoga. Let's face it, these days with everything feeling so fast passed, it's easy to get overwhelmed. A lot of us are suffering from anxiety and burnout and we've been neglecting our own self care for so long that we forgot what it is and how to get started. Which is why I wanted to share with you that Yoga is really a practice we strive to take off the mat. Yoga is a tool we can use to sharpen the skill of creating a pause, creating some space or a gap between our thoughts and our habits so we make room to possibly make a different choice if we wish to. It's a tool we can use and that we can develop in a practice so we can take it off the mat and use it in our everyday life. Let's try something simple and think of this as a little self-care to add to your day. I call these: breath salutations. You can do this standing or sitting. Start by resting arms at your side. Begin to take air in through your nose slowly. As you inhale, reach arms out away from each other and then slowly bring both arms up and then over your head so palms are together. Now exhale slowly and while you release the breath, bring those prayer hands slowly down until you reach your heart's center. Now reverse that motion, push your hands back up on your inhale. Once your arms are straight up again, part your hands and slowly lower your arms until they are back at your side. You can think about collecting yourself as you do this, grabbing energy from the air and pulling it into your center on your intakes of breath and releasing negativity or old thoughts that don't benefit you anymore as you breath out. Do this 2 or 3 times and see how you feel! You can do this short practice first thing in the morning, in the evening or any time during the day you are feeling overwhelmed and need to slow down and clear your mind. This will help you create that pause, to take a moment to collect yourself and decide when to 'start again' to make the choice that is right for you. Curious About Yoga? Maybe you're just considering taking a yoga class or maybe your doctor is recommending Yoga for joint mobility. And maybe, like most people, the images that come to mind are healthy looking bodies in twisty shapes or picturing a class in which you stand and bend down to reach for the floor and float gracefully into a plank pose. And you think, “My body can't do THAT!" Here are some facts to consider. 1. As mentioned above, not all Yoga has to be twisty or like an overly energetic calisthenics class. Yoga is less about exercise and more about your mind body connection. And even beyond that, the philosophy that I love dearly. You can even take a class just on the philosophy and learn about the many tools we can use to help us get through the trying days and find more joy in life. (Yoga philosophy classes coming in the 3rd quarter of 2022 at Sagewood.) 2. There are a variety of yoga styles, including the very popular Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Power Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Slow Flow Yoga, Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga. Pick something to try that is more in line with the pace and purpose of your goal for practice. (Coming soon, a breakdown of the different styles of yoga.) 3. The physical aspect of Yoga practice is just the tip of the iceberg. Beyond the Asana (postures) of Yoga, there is a more wholistic approach to a way of life and tools to help us deal with our relationships and with our own mental and emotional struggles. The practice of Yoga is using tools to get back in touch with yourself; it's self-care, it's a road map to feeling better and how to find contentment in each moment. But if we take the time to pause and take care of our own inner self and personal needs, we end up with more energy to do what we need to do and in turn, we have energy to give others. AND most importantly, more energy to be creative and find joy in your life. — Kimber Quinby Bridge2Yoga ( strives to have a positive impact on each individual interaction through the practice of Yoga, and also provide an inclusive environment to make postures attainable for any body type. Bridge2Yoga specializes in Restorative, Yin and Hatha Yoga. It's more about the quality of the personal experience than the minutes on the mat for exercise. Please check our calendar for classes and times, or contact Kimber directly at [email protected].
Over 15 years ago I took a class in energy healing at Unity Church of the Triangle. It was not specific to a type of practice and offered 1 main instruction: simply say the phrase “Divine Love flows through me for the purpose of healing me/you now.” Yes, that was it. I learned other important information about healing, setting an intention, and opening to the energy, and we practiced a lot. But I remember most that phrase, and I used it plenty over the years for myself and others.
Many years later I learned of the Divine Love Petition, offered through, a non-profit company teaching the principles of Divine Love. I studied their protocol in detail, and learned about ways we can prepare ourselves for healing, and to line up with our intention, but again what I remembered most is that we can just ask for the energy to come in and bless us. I have asked it to heal fear, to fill my cells for my highest healing, and to bring inner peace, no matter the situation in my outer world. It has worked for me, and for others with whom I have shared it. I will always say a big “Yes” to anyone who is curious about learning Reiki, as I believe that the training attunes students to these higher energies and opens the heart and mind on a deep level that can be life changing. But even without this advanced training, each of us can invite in and allow the blessings of Divine Love for healing on all levels. |
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